ME / CFS Conference In Ireland with Dr R Perrin

Willows Clinic releases upgraded website to help people with ME / CFS and Fibromyalgia

Unique section on The Perrin Technique introduced to mark Dr Perrin's visit to Ireland

The Willows Clinic has upgraded its website to help people with ME / CFS and Fibromyalgia. It now includes a special section on The Perrin Technique™ , marking Dr Perrin's upcoming visit to Ireland. The Willows Clinic is the only centre in Ireland where this technique is available from a fully licenced therapist.

The Perrin Technique is a manual system of diagnosis and treatment that has helped countless numbers of patients with ME / CFS since 1989, with some patients reporting that their symptoms have completely gone. It was developed as a result of a chance discovery at the clinical practice of Manchester osteopath, Dr Raymond Perrin.

The upgraded website explains the technique in detail, and features a short BBC documentary on Dr Perrin and his work.

Dr Perrin will be a guest speaker at the Fibromyalgia / ME Conference on Sunday 31st October in the Bridge House Hotel, Tullamore, Co. Offaly. The Conference is being organised by the Midlands Fibromyalgia Support Group & AONM

The Willows Clinic at 38 Oakwood Avenue, Glasnevin, Dublin 11, was established by Irene Scarff and Andrew Smith in 2008 to help clients to reach optimal health, by working with them on a physical, emotional & spiritual level. Therapist Andy Smith has been trained and licensed to offer The Perrin Technique™ at The Willows Clinic.

“Using this technique, I have been able to effectively and successfully treat the exhausting effects of ME, CFS and Fibromyalgia,” says Andy. “Already we have helped many clients to achieve results that they never thought possible. “

For more information please contact:

Andrew Smith

The Willows Clinic

T: 1800 848688

M: 00447939065522



Note that :

ME, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), affects thousands of people, who battle daily with exhaustion, muscle pain, headaches, flu symptoms and depression, as well as poor memory, concentration and balance. They may look perfectly well, but feel so bad that even getting out of bed is a huge effort, yet often no-one can tell them what is wrong.

The Perrin Technique™ is a breakthrough in the diagnosis and treatment of ME/CFS. It was developed by Raymond Perrin, a Manchester Osteopath, who discovered that many of the symptoms of ME/CFS could be alleviated by using a combination of spinal mobilisation, lymphatic drainage and craniosacral therapy. Clinical trials were engaged in at the Universities of Manchester and Salford, and Perrin was awarded a doctorate in 2005 for his work in this area. Hundreds of people have now been diagnosed and treated using the technique, there has been extensive UK and international press coverage, and the National Health Service in Britain is considering its use.

Dr Perrin believes that ME/CFS is a physical disorder that leads to a build up of toxins within the brain and the spine. The Perrin Technique™ diagnoses the disorder by identifying definite physical signs, and treats it by improving drainage of the poisonous toxins from the central nervous system.


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